🤖Nulu Business

🔔 Notifications

To understand how notifications work and when they are sent, read the information below. If you think notifications are not working, most probably you're just testing them in the wrong way. Please read the information below before asking for support.

📧 Email notifications

Both agents and users can receive an email notification when a new message is received.

📧 Email notifications for admin and agents

  • When a user sends their first message, if the conversation is assigned to a department, an email is sent only to the agents assigned to that department. If the conversation is assigned to a specific agent, an email is sent only to that agent; otherwise, an email is sent to all agents who are not online at the moment. Subsequent emails are sent only to the last agent in the conversation.
  • Email notifications are sent only if the last agent in the conversation is offline. 🟠
  • If you're using the Nulu AI app, and Settings > Nulu AI > Human takeover is active, no emails are sent if the chatbot knows the answer. 🤖
  • To prevent admins from receiving email notifications, check Settings > Notifications > Do not send email notifications to admins. 🚫

📧 Email notifications for users

  • When an agent sends a message to a user, an email is sent to the user only if the user is offline. 📴
  • Only one email is sent. Subsequent messages will not trigger a new email alert. 1️⃣

📨 Create the email

To manage the emails and create the contents, go to Settings > Notifications. You can use text and HTML. New lines are automatically converted to <br />. You can use the following merge fields in the email. Merge fields are automatically replaced with the updated information.

{recipient_name}The name of the user or agent who is receiving the email.
{sender_name}The name of the user or agent who was sending the message that triggered the email notification.
{sender_profile_image}The profile image of the user or agent who was sending the message that triggered the email notification.
{message}The links to any attachments that were part of the message that triggered the email notification.
{attachments}The attachments included in the message.

Emails may not be delivered for several reasons; below are the most common ones:

🕒 Cron job

You can run the following cron job for sending email notifications to both users and agents. You also need to select Settings > Notifications > Email notifications via cron job. Sending emails via cron job will improve your email notifications: they will include the whole conversation and will be sent only once. If you are using the cloud version, use this URL: https://cloud.board.support/script/include/api.php?email-notifications=true&cloud=API-TOKEN and replace API-TOKEN with your own API Token which can be found at https://cloud.board.support/account/?tab=installation.

  • You can create a cron job that runs the URL [YOUR-NULU-AI-URL]/include/api.php?email-notifications=true.
  • Use the command */59 * * * * wget [YOUR-NULU-AI-URL]/include/api.php?email-notifications=true to run it via a command.
  • Replace [YOUR-NULU-AI-URL] with your Nulu AI URL, get it from Settings > Miscellaneous > Nulu AI URL.
  • We don't provide support for problems related to your cron job.

❓ Problems?

Emails may not be delivered for several reasons; below are the most common ones:

Hosting problemsThe email server of your web hosting provider is not able to send emails or the emails are sent but they are automatically detected as spam and deleted by the email clients.If the settings at Settings > Notifications > SMTP are not set, your server will send the emails instead. Contact your web hosting provider regarding email support or use your SMTP server by activating it in Settings > Notifications > SMTP.
SMTP problemsThe email is not sent also if you activated the SMTP option in the Notifications area.If you don't receive the emails make sure they are working by sending a test email from Settings > Notifications > Send a user email notification or Send an agent email notification. If you don't receive the test email, your SMTP server is not working. Open the browser console for more details about the error. Because this is not an issue related to Nulu AI, the support doesn't cover it, please contact your server/hosting/SMTP support instead. You can use SendGrid (opens in a new tab), you can send 40000 emails for 30 days for free, then 100/day forever for free.
Google GmailThe email is not sent also if you activated the SMTP option in the Notifications area and you are trying to use the Gmail SMTP server.Try using another SMTP server or contact Google support for more details.

🔊 Sound notifications

When Settings > Notifications > Sounds are enabled, a sound will play whenever a new message or conversation is received. 🔊

  • Audio will only play when the user or agent engages with the document by clicking somewhere in the admin area or on the page displaying the chat widget. This is because of a security feature of the browsers. 🔒
  • If the sound is set to repeat, it will loop as long as the admin area or the chat widget page is not open or minimized. If the admin area or the chat widget page is open and visible, you will not hear the sound. 🔁